Passing the Torch: My Daughter is now The Mom Who Tells Stories, vs. Nobody Reads Dune.

Alia's friends have always asked her: How's your mom? Does she have any stories? I told her to refer them to this blog. It's not as fun as in person, but it uses all the same words. Last night Alia did me to me: AJ: Mom, did I tell you about Mackinac Island? me: No... AJ: Okay, so when Polly and I were on Mackinac Island, we were just trying to get out of the sun and the heat... (me, internally: I did not know about this trip. I've never been to Mackinac Island.) AJ: ...and found a "strip mall" which was really more like a hallway with doors into 4 stores, and one of them was a book store. and we went in, and nobody was there because nobody goes to Mackinac Island to buy books... me: I would. AJ: ::leans into the camera with a mom-face:: ANYWAY, there was nobody in there buying books on Mackinac Island. And there at the front was a display of the book Dune. So I yell, "Hey Polly, look! Here's the book where my mom got my name." And the tal...